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Child Care in Ecuador
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Environmental Conservation
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Beach Protection and Cleaning in Galapagos
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Teaching English in Galapagos Islands
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Special Needs Child Care
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Volunteering & Internships

We offer the most fun and authentic way to get to know a country, its language and customs, through a true cultural immersion by participating in an altruistic volunteer activity

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Programs for Individuals

If your plan is to travel INDIVIDUALLY our programs are perfect for you because from the moment you arrive at the airport, we receive you and take you to the place where you are going to live, either in a shared apartment with other volunteers or in a host family where you will be received as another family member. Within the first 48 hours you will receive an orientation tour and an induction into your volunteer project.

A good option is to take one-to-one Spanish classes in order to make the most of your time in Ecuador. Additionally, you will have the chance to get involved in many afternoon activities such as cooking classes, Latin American cocktail classes, tropical dance classes, shamanic exhibitions, movies, interactive readings, sports, among other fun activities.  On the weekends, we offer reasonably priced trips where you can meet other volunteers and international travelers and experience guaranteed fun.

If you are going to travel with a GROUP of friends or classmates, we offer the most flexible and creative plans. We adapt to each group’s needs and we can combine trips, volunteering, and Spanish classes in a fun way with a variety of activities such as cooking and natural juice making, tropical dance classes, yoga, photography classes, soccer games, and many more activities.

We will transform your group trip into an interactive experience where your classroom may be the Andes mountains, Amazon jungle, the beaches of the Pacific, or the Galapagos Islands. You can live in host families or in comfortable hotels. Tell us your budget and we will present you with the best plan for your group where volunteer work will be combined with cultural immersion.


Name: Public hospitals and Psychological clinics in Quito

The foundation has been helping public hospitals both in the north and south of the capital for 18 years. Patients are people who do not have a permanent job or health insurance. Low income children, adults, and the elderly receive free and low cost medical care in these hospitals and clinics.


Volunteers decide on the health area where they would like to volunteer based on their interests. This may include: general medicine, dentistry, surgery, traumatology, emergency room, pediatrics, pathology, rehabilitation room, hospitalization, urology, and more specialities. Every two weeks they have the opportunity to choose a new area of interest. Volunteers will always be accompanied by doctors, nurses, and medical students from universities.

From: $570


Children are the pillars of our future generations.  The foundation matches volunteers with youth organizations working with the most vulnerable communities.  We support a variety of programs throughout the country: day care centers, orphanages, community youth centers, and care homes for disabled children.


Volunteer work begins in the morning serving breakfast, followed by recreational activities and teaching. A mid-morning snack and lunch are also served. Volunteers can participate in all activities planned by the educator on duty. The volunteer is free to organize activities or games of his/her own initiative.

From: $400


Environmental conservation has become an issue of great importance.  We offer a variety of programs that contribute to the development of efficient and sustainable organic agriculture, leading to a healthier planet. 


It is a job that demands a lot of physical effort. Daily activities vary according to the region and the need of each one of the programs, such as: construction and preparation of compost bins, botanical garden maintenance, seed collection, soil preparation, nursery work, organic garden maintenance, construction and maintenance of trails, planting trees in natural reserves and communities, teaching English in community schools, artisan production of chocolate and coffee, and bird and mammal observation in the area.

From: $400


Childhood is the stage of life with the greatest interest and aptitude for learning a foreign language. Currently the English language is one of the most important worldwide.  This English as a foreign language program in public schools reinforces the 4 skills needed for English communication: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.


The joy and motivation of having a native speaker in the English class is evident in the smiles of the students and therefore the interest in learning increases.  The volunteer provides daily support to teachers:  homework and classwork correction, grammar explanations, pronunciation, workshop preparation, interacting with students, etc.

From: $450


Our foundation cares for more than 400 elderly adults in a situation of abandonment. Through this program we offer comprehensive services and promote human empowerment by seeking physical and spiritual recovery. Most of the elderly people cared for are street panhandlers or street vendors, only 20% have a relative or live with family. Many are abandoned and have self-esteem and abuse problems. Although the program does not offer housing; it provides food, clothing, medicine, occupational workshops, and affection, through individual or corporate donations, and the help from volunteers and the Social Welfare Ministry.


Volunteers must be willing to support all the activities planned by the center. It all depends on the experience, knowledge, interest and the ability to give your love and attention to these elders.  Among the main activities are feeding and caring for them, followed by supporting recreational and entertainment activities such as: dance, theater, games, workshops, physical exercise, and crafts. Volunteers can even aid in food preparation or create activities of their own initiative.

From: $450


Children with special needs need supportive therapies and development. This is very expensive in a developing country such as Ecuador, but thanks to the help of international institutions who support this project support is given free of charge to children with special needs such as paralysis and brain disabilities.  Volunteer help is sought to carry out daily activities and therapies working with the medical professionals.  


The main objective of this project is to offer economically disadvantaged children with special needs rehabilitation and integral recreation programs through: physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, chromotherapy, music therapy, hypotherapy, play therapy, relaxation therapy, and emotional support.
The volunteers help in all the therapies that are practiced with the children including possibly in the pool, with horses, or the physical therapy room. The volunteers help the professional therapists who work on the project.

From: $450


Ecuador has recently been making gains in addressing and combatting domestic and gender-based violence.  The intentional use of physical force, and the constant threats against other people, groups, or communities result in trauma, psychological damage, developmental problems, or death.


The project has existed since 1990 with the main objective of assisting women and their children, affected by domestic and gender violence, by offering them a temporary shelter service and comprehensive medical and psychological care.

The activities of the volunteer depend on their studies, experiences and interests. They could include:

  • Work with children in workshops on domestic violence, self-esteem, family relationships, and sexuality.
  • Administrative work assisting the social worker or fundraising activities.
  • Support in recreational activities for children.

From: $450


This program was created to improve the lives of 43 indigenous communities both in the social and economic spheres, through training their members in the management of agricultural and livestock production techniques, as well as offering artisanal and social training. It is about contributing to the construction of a fairer and more dignified intercultural society, reducing poverty levels, empowering people in self-management, expanding the democratic participation of communities, and strengthening their ancestral wisdom and social organization.


The volunteer will have the opportunity to experience direct contact with nature, share daily life with the local indigenous people, and learn about their culture and traditions.

Additionally, the volunteers could support in the areas of beekeeping, hydrotechnical projects, environmental education, production and marketing of products such as honey or jams, activities on organic farms, teaching the English language in community schools, design and production of crafts, and office work in local community-run ecotourism travel agencies.

From: $450


Ecuador, one of the most megadiverse countries in the world, faces a tough battle against the trafficking and illegal appropriation of wild animals, especially in places like the Amazon rainforest.  Ecuadorian legislation prohibits the possession of wild animals and anyone who owns, or markets wildlife or products derived from them is imprisoned. Our rescue centers receive animals that are victims of illegal trafficking, which are confiscated by environmental authorities in different controls carried out in markets, squares and homes.  Often these animals were kept in captivity in confined spaces and received an inadequate diet.  The objective is to involve the entire society to find means to educate the population on biodiversity protection.


The rescue centers currently house 200 specimens and 42 species under the care and protection of specialists, volunteers, and workers, who work together toward the animals’ rehabilitation and a potential return to their natural habitat.

From very early in the morning, volunteers are responsible for preparing food and cleaning animal cages. They also help in cage construction, and offer assistance to veterinarians, among other activities.

From: $490


Traveling in a group with our Foundation is a fantastic experience, we make a custom-tailored plan that fits the objectives and goals of the group.

Our proposal is based on combining various activities:

  • Help the community in different projects
  • Group or private Spanish lessons
  • Visit tourist attractions
  • Cultural immersion activities such as: Ecuadorian cooking classes, typical Latin American drinks class, salsa and bachata dance, learn how to make chocolate from the cocoa bean, yoga, Zumba, discover the most exotic fruits and their health benefits, and many more
  • Farewell dinner with authentic food from the jungle, coast, and Andes

We will make your group trip become a trip with purpose, with a humanitarian and social service vision.


If the teacher has a specific approach, an expert in the area who is bilingual will accompany us on this adventure in order to achieve the educational objective that is set.   Some of the themed trips we offer:

  • Geography focused trip
  • Public Health focused trip
  • Occupational Therapy focused trip
  • Mental Health focused trip
  • Environmental focused trip
  • Photography focused trip
  • Architecture focused trip
  • Human and Gender Rights focused trip

We also can organize everything that the teacher proposes and focus the trip with the academic and cultural goals that the teacher specifies.

We also have the option of volunteering every day in different projects such as daycare, orphanages, schools, colleges, horse therapy, occupational therapy, etc.

During your stay in Ecuador we will plan everything for the delivery of donations to the projects or humanitarian aid developing a specific project.

Take into account that there is the option of taking individual or group Spanish classes every day with the best teachers and a rapid learning methodology incorporating the 4 pillars of language learning: spoken, written, listening, and reading Spanish. We can include language learning in your tailored itinerary if you prefer this option. 

Are you ready to live an amazing experience?

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